
Valuable preparation

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A Preparation?

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One of the basic prerequisites for appreciative and constructive cooperation is to be able to clearly state what one likes or dislikes. By stating our values, we give our colleagues the opportunity to learn to appreciate our values, to appreciate us.

So I would like to invite you to a little valuable preparation for our upcoming workshop.


If you have any questions or are unsure what this means for the workshop, please feel free to comment below or contact me personally by Mail.

I wish you a lot of fun and great insights during the preparation and until our next contact I wish you a fulfilling time, just as you want to experience it.

With kind regards.

CorneliusScheier_Kreis_klein.pngYour companion for an appreciative and constructive cooperation

Koop-Kschleife-ArtDrawing exported from Concepts: Smarter Sketching
Bubble-MaßnahmenDrawing exported from Concepts: Smarter Sketching